Wednesday 18 April 2012

Save Your Cash With These Tips For Your Auto Insurance

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Monday 9 April 2012

Can You Get Cancer in Your Glands?

The American Heritage Dictionary gives the definition of a gland as this:

"A cell, a group of cells, or an organ that produces a secretion for use elsewhere in the body or in a body cavity or for elimination from the body. Any of various organs, such as lymph nodes, that resemble true glands but perform a non-secretory function."

The many glands are located through out the body and release fluids and hormones that play an important role in maintaining good health in the body. There are two types of glands. The ducted gland, known as the exocrine glands, they release the hormones through ducts. The ductless, known as the endocrine glands, release hormones directly into the blood stream. The exocrine type include the sweat glands and mammary glands. Glands that make up the endocrine type are the thyroid, ovaries, testes and parathyroid.

The question is can you get cancer in the glands? To be able to answer that we have to understand the way cancer develops and travels.

Cancer develops when the DNA of a cell becomes damaged or changed, producing mutations that affect normal cell growth and division. The cells do not die as they should and new cells form when the body does not need them, forming a tissue mass called a tumor. The cancer cells spread throughout the area changing more healthy cells into malignant cancer cells in a process know as metastasis.

Cancer cells may then detach from the tumor to travel the bloodstream, through the veins or through the lymphatic system. Both in the bloodstream and lymphatic system the cancer cells stop at the first place it gets stuck. Cancer cells often get trapped in the lymph nodes closest to the tumor.

With the thyroid gland so close to the surface of the skin, it is fairly obvious when a lump or nodule develops on it. This lump may present pain, and difficulties in swallowing or breathing.

In my case a fluid filled cyst developed on my thyroid. When the fluid was extracted and sent for testing no cancer cells were present. When the cyst, after being drained several times, was removed surgically, the cancer was then found in the thyroid gland.

When the thyroid gland is found to have cancer surgery called a thyroidectomy is the usual treatment. When this surgery is performed the surgeon will also remove some lymph nodes. Thyroid cancer is known to spread to the lymph nodes in the area or the thyroid gland. If thyroid cancer cells are found in the removed lymph nodes that indicates that the cancer has broken through the capsule of the gland. A radioactive iodine treatment will normally be needed to ablate any remaining thyroid cells.

During whole body scans following a thyroidectomy, the small amount of radioactive iodine will attach itself to any thyroid tissue remaining. If a lymph node appears suspicious a fine needle biopsy will be done removing some cells to determine if it contains cancer.

By traveling in the body the way it does cancer of the glands is very much so a common occurrence.

The e-book "The Thyroid Gland In Simple Terms" explains this "Master" gland.

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Saturday 7 April 2012

Chasing Cancer - Are We Avoiding the True Cause of the Disease by Design?

The cancer treatment industry in the United States is a huge multibillion dollar business empire. It starts with concern for our own health, and the role primary doctors play in our lives. In the back of everyone's mind is the thought " will I live till a ripe old age and be able to enjoy my grandkids." While we all have a lifespan that is guided by lifestyle, fate and genetics, the concerns begin to amplify as we age, especially because we unfortunately all have a finite lifespan.

One of the diseases that is always in the media is cancer, whether it be breast, prostate, or other types of cancers that disrupt families and take the lives of wonderful people. The current healthcare systems obsession with testing, disease and interventions thought to prevent disease, is not making a difference in the quality of people's lives and in fact may actually create some of the problems people experience.

Recently, mammograms have been placed under the microscope because the constant radiation may actually cause the cancers it prevents. Many other types of screenings have been shown to be less effective at prevention than advertized and some tests such as the PSA were so highly inaccurate, a large amount of the population has been injured in the attempt to save them from a cancer that in most cases would never have ended their life or affected the quality of it.

Cancer continues to take many lives, and only one industry is currently in control of treating it in the United States, without other alternatives being seriously considered, which is the definition of a monopoly. What is more perplexing is that all cancer research is allopathic drug based only whose sole purpose is to study the individual cancers and create prohibitively expensive drug based and convoluted ways to treat it, without guarantees of success. The idea of trying to prove one system of thought, allopathy is the only way to help people with cancer is dogmatic and close-minded.

There are many alternative health care providers who have thought differently, yet their voices are constantly being ignored by the mainstream cancer treatment monopoly which controls who most patients and insurance companies view as credible. The cancer treatment industry continues to create the impression that they give the best chances for live extension, but compared to whom, since organized medicine never takes any alternatives for cancer seriously. Actually, other methods and idea's have been shunned outright, assuring the continuation of the monopoly.

Others outside of mainstream cancer treatment have discovered that Vitamin B 17 or Laetrile may actually be a nutrient we need, yet we are warned against eating things like apricot or apple pits because they contain small amounts of arsenic, which apparently prevents cancer in grazing animals. Is cancer a nutritional deficiency that has been conveniently ignored? If this is true, and we have been told to avoid foods that contain this, didn't the healthcare system fail us by keeping it a secret? One could argue that if this were adopted and cancer rates dropped dramatically, there would be little need for cancer treatment and people's lives would be extended naturally.

Another case was a doctor in Italy who found out that all cancers had a common problem basis of yeast (candida albicans) which invaded cells and caused them to morph into different cancers, yet, the problem was candida albicans. When treated with baking soda, the tumors receded with this relatively inexpensive treatment. The doctor was chastised an eventually moved out of Italy (Dr. Simoncini) to perform further research because organized medicine there would not embrace his inexpensive approach. The doctor who figured out the reason for stomach ulcers (Barry J. Marshall MD) was chastised too until he used the treatment on himself which when fully realized markedly decreased the sales of a popular medication people took for relief of the condition for years. Now of course, it is fully recognized because no only have the studies proven it, but as adoption of antibiotics for H. Pylori had spread in popularity, many people have avoided having the disease process.

Is the cure for cancer right in front of us, but we are not being allowed to see it? If an inexpensive treatment for the disease was found, wouldn't it put the cancer business out of business, with inexpensive treatment clinics able to handle the problem the average person could afford with or without insurance? Right now, if the current systems, with the current radiation, excision and poison (chemo) methods fail to save someone (see chart for cancer survival rates here ), it is considered they fought a heroic fight. If someone went the alternative route, and had the same or better odds for success, but did not survive, they are chastised for not going through the traditional system. The public is often told to believe the other method was not appropriate and is a scam because it is unscientific, or was it? Is the war on cancer a war for public and private money through charities and insurance rather than a war against a disease process that has taken many of us, no matter how wealthy we are (Steve Jobs is a great example).

Of course, with the money being spent and the fear of death in the balance, many terminal cancer patients will opt for the mainstream clinical trial, or will opt for another treatment that may just be hucksterism. There are many snake oil salesmen in healthcare, many of them with medical and other degrees, who are selling the public a bill of goods. With all the money spend on research, shouldn't we look beyond the disease model and look at all possibilities as to why cancer rates continue to rise? With all the money we have spent so far, we are still without a consistently successful cure or understanding of why cancer occurs. If we have realized the cure or the reason cancer exists, that knowledge has never been shared to the benefit of society in general. Since big pharma nor the cancer treatment and diagnosis industry would not stand to enhance their business model with a cure, perhaps we need to study this independent of the business agenda's who stand to profit from it. We may be very surprised by what we find out having cancer studied in an uncorruptable environment. Is that even possible?

While this article raises more questions than it answers, the important point is for you to begin to question why, after all these years, is the treatment of cancer unreliable, so expensive and so damaging to us. Is there a more reliable solution that can be found with a different level of thinking.

I hope I have you thinking!

William D Charschan DC,CCSP "The Body Mechanic", Author; Cheating Mother Nature, what you need to know to beat chronic pain. Find out more at or visit our blog at

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Thursday 5 April 2012

Juice To a Better Life

Do you think you could eat a half a cucumber, two carrots, a lemon half, some spinach leaves, a half tomato, one large apple, and a broccoli shoot all in one sitting? Do you think it would taste good? I know some of you probably could but we are talking practicality here folks! I am sure you already know the benefit of choosing a lifestyle full of whole grains, lean meats and veggies versus one of fast food, heavy meals, and saturated fats, right? Great well with that said, let's talk about how you can reverse the trend of hyper-tension, heart disease, and diabetes by juicing!

Now I am not talking about store bought products like you see on all the store shelves today, and there are plenty to choose from! No what I am talking about is getting back to the basics of nutrition. I am talking about going a few generations back - the time we did not have so many choices and more things were done locally! Yep I am talking about your good old neighborhood farmer!

You might be thinking to yourself, what does this have to do with me! Well, here it is! You see, when I was a younger lad, I had a heart attack which changed my way of thinking and relationship about food. Being primarily raised by my grandparents, almost everything in my home was fried. Well years of eating that way coupled with the stress of my job at the time (US Air Force - overseas) eventually led to my heart needing a break! After that happened I began learning how I could prevent a heart attack from happening again!

Pushing the fast forward butting to present day, most would not expect that I have almost no signs of having a heart attack. Aside from having a stent placed in my arteries and needing to take cholesterol medication (I chose natural alternatives), it's almost as if I never even had the heart attack! I now shop at better food chains and local farmers markets. Not only am I helping the local economy, I am also reducing my carbon footprint because I am consuming less plastic because I don't buy as many processed stuff, but I digress.

I attribute the fact that I am still here to the MAN above, the better choices made afterwards and in large part to juicing!

Now unless you have been living under a rock, you probably know Jack LaLanne right? He was a pioneer in my eyes, and really did some great things in his life and it can all be traced back to juicing! This among other healthy choices is how I have lowered my cholesterol levels and dropped a few inches on my waistline!

Anyway, I have taken enough of your time but I can tell you as one who does not really push products, if I were to endorse any product, it would have to be my juicer! I have an older model but it still serves me and my family quite well. I will be presenting more content like recipes and such if you want to learn more about this amazing product! Now they come in other colors and it's a bit small than the one I have. If you want to change your life for the better, then this is a must have as far as I am concerned!

If you would like more quality information about this and other things, please like our page on Facebook!

My purpose in life is to: Impact, Inspire, and Improve the lives of Others! I am enjoying the path of purpose I am on and I look forward to helping others reach their best self! We all have a purpose in life, so what is yours?

It's not about me, it's about the purpose of M.E.

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